Where are the non-creepers?
Dating An Engineer
5 Essential Tips for Dating Someone with Kids
The fundamentals of keeping long-distance love healthy
When He Gives You A Drawer
Great Textpectations
Don’t Let Rejection Screw You Over
Don’t Fear the Distance
The Benefits of a Long Distance Relationship
Should I Stay or Should I Go

The other day, my friend and I were driving to Hudson (Wisco) on a Sunday afternoon to buy some wine. Yes, that calculation all together means we physically left the state we were in (Minnesota) and cruised controlled our way to Wisconsin so we could legally buy booze. On a Sunday. In January.

Girls gotta do what a girls’ gotta do ok? Even if that means taking a flashback ride to the high school days – when you would beg someone older to drive the healthy hour into a state where no one else had anything better to do than drink on God’s day o’ rest. Cheers.

Basically, while she sped east and I sat and ate my Uncrustable for breakfast in the passenger seat, we had a chance to get down to talking. And of course, that conversation was about boyz. I immediately assumed it was kosher we were being desperate about booze and discussing the one thing we couldn’t ever seem to figure out. My roommate and I can relate, we’ve both been single for a while, we both like to go out and have fun. We both have ungodly crushes on very manly men in sports, and we both like to dish about it. Naturally, our conversation led to something a little sacred in the dating world (ESPECIALLY during college). Sexay time.

It has been (let’s just say a while) since we’d been “intimate” (for lack of floozy words) with anyone. So we began comparing time frames.

“It’s been a year.”

“It’s been nearly two years.”
